Flea markets and garage sales in Annecy and Haute-Savoie

As soon as the warm weather arrives, flea markets and garage sales multiply throughout Haute-Savoie, becoming a must-see event every weekend. Although these events are rarer in winter, they don’t disappear. They can still be found, often organised indoors and in smaller formats, allowing bargain-hunters to continue unearthing treasures even during the cold season.

Flea markets and garage sales of the month in Annecy & Haute-Savoie

Flea markets and garage sales of the month in Annecy & Haute-Savoie

Flea markets and garage sales in Annecy

Every last Saturday of the month,Annecy ‘s monthly flea market awaits you in the heart of the city. From January to December, over 150 professionals set up shop on rue Sainte-Claire, offering a multitude of antiques and treasures to be unearthed. Ranked as one of the biggest flea markets in France, it welcomes bargain hunters and enthusiasts from 8am to 6pm.

At the same time, the Marché de l’Art et des Créateurs takes place in the old town, Quai Vicenza, at the same times. Around thirty artists and designers, both amateur and professional, will be exhibiting their work: paintings, jewellery, clothes, handmade furniture… It’s a great opportunity to meet and exchange ideas with people who are passionate about what they do.

In addition to this monthly flea market, other flea markets and garage sales are organised in Annecy and the surrounding area throughout the year, notably by local associations. You can find all the dates you don’t want to miss in our monthly article on flea markets in Haute-Savoie.

Flea markets and garage sales in Haute-Savoie

The Haute-Savoie region also hosts numerous flea markets and garage sales throughout the year. Whether it’s in the Bornes and Aravis, Albanais and Bauges, Arve Valley, Grand Genevois, Giffre and Mont-Blanc regions, or around Lake Geneva, there’s no shortage of bargains to be had at weekends.

The Saint-Félix flea market: one of the biggest in Haute-Savoie

Brocantes et vide-greniers Annecy et Haute-SavoieThe annual flea market in Saint-Félix, organised every August by the “Saint-Félix Notre Village” association, is one of the biggest in the region. In 2024, it welcomed 353 exhibitors, covering around 1,650 linear metres in the village lanes and church square. From 6 a.m. to 6 p.m., some 20,000 visitors stroll through the many stalls, where traders, collectors and private enthusiasts offer their treasures in a friendly atmosphere. There are also refreshment areas and small food stalls on site, often run by local associations. Local shopkeepers and restaurants are also taking part, offering special offers and menus for the occasion.

Selling at a flea market or garage sale

If you are a private individual and want to sell your goods at a garage sale or flea market, there are specific regulations to be complied with. Here’s what you need to know before taking the plunge.

Note that as a non-professional vendor, i.e. not registered with the Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés (RCS), your participation is limited to two unpacking sales (vide-greniers or brocantes) per year. For more than two sales, you need to have professional status.

How do I register for a second-hand or garage sale?

Before taking part in a flea market or garage sale, it is often necessary to register in advance, especially for the most popular events. Arrangements vary: some events require you to book several weeks in advance, while others accept last-minute registrations, subject to places being available.

To sell legally, you must be registered in the Vendor Identification Register, where you must also certify on your honour that you have not taken part in more than two unpacking sales during the year. This register is authenticated by a police or gendarmerie department or by the town hall before the event.

To register, you also need to fill in a form, accompanied by proof of identity and, in some cases, proof of address. Depending on the event, you may also be asked to sign a set of internal rules to ensure that you comply with the instructions laid down by the organisers.

How much does it cost to exhibit at a flea market or garage sale?

Registration fees vary according to the reputation of the flea market or garage sale, and the location of the site. In general, prices vary between 3 and 15 euros per linear metre, but may be higher in larger towns or at the most popular events.

Some organisers offer a fixed price for a standard pitch, while others adjust the price according to the surface area reserved. In some cases, exhibitors may be asked to pay a deposit, which will be refunded after the event, subject to compliance with cleanliness and dismantling rules.

What products can be sold at a flea market or garage sale?

Flea markets and garage sales are real goldmines for bargain hunters, offering a wide variety of second-hand items. Some of the most popular are :

  • Clothing and accessories: second-hand clothes, bags, jewellery, shoes.
  • Furniture and decorative items: tables, chairs, mirrors, antique knick-knacks.
  • Books and vinyl: novels, comics, vinyl, CDs/DVDs.
  • Toys and games: cuddly toys, figurines, board games, retro consoles.
  • Small electrical appliances and crockery: coffee makers, mixers, plates, cutlery.

Please note that individuals may only sell personal, used items. The sale of handcrafted creations or new items is reserved for professionals, which requires an official declaration before you can exhibit at a flea market or garage sale.